Patti Capaldi

Born in Providence, RI, lives and works in Ithaca and Brooklyn, NY. Working at the intersection of photo-based imagery and print-media, her practice includes multiples, installation, and artists’ books. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally and she is a recipient of a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship and the Lily Auchincloss Foundation Award (works on paper/multiples/book arts) a Gottlieb Foundation Grant, and a Rauschenberg Change Grant. She has been awarded residencies from the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Foundation, the Banff Center for the Arts, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, AIR Program, Vienna, Austria, the Jentel Foundation, the Santa Fe Art Institute, the Kunstlerhaus, Saltzurg, Austria, the Constance Saltonstall Foundation, the Oberpfalzer Kunstlerhaus in Germany and SLAK AIR program, the Netherlands. She received her MFA from the Massachusetts College of Art & Design and her BFA from Minneapolis College of Art & Design. For over 25 years she has worked as a graphic designer in NY City in some of the countries leading publishing and advertising agencies. She was nominated in 2018 for the AIGA, 50 Books, 50 Covers, juried design competitions, and was recently included in Plymouth University’s (UK) Design Message Journal, Special Covid Issue. She is an associate professor in art and design at Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York.

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